Monday, March 26, 2012

Trayvon Martin v.s George Zimmermen

What can I say about Trayvon Martin, well he was 17 years old and played for his school's varsity football team . But in just a few minutes he lost everything he worked for throughout his life. It all happened during the half time of a big ten game he left the game to buy a snack for himself. On his way back the neighborhood patrol officer George Zimmerman saw Trayvon walking back to the stadium with his hoodie on. He called 911 and explained the situation, but was told to stop pursuing Trayvon. He ignored the officer who spoke to him and kept on pursuing Trayvon. When Trayvon saw that George was after him he started running away from him. George ran after him and shot him in the backyard of some one's house. That person heard the gunshot and called 911. Minutes later there were police officers, ambulances and detectives on the scene that is after Trayvon died just minutes before that he was having fun possibly watching the first live big ten game of his life. It is said that George Zimmerman was already known as a racist. But after that night of February 26th 2012 he is known as a racist cold blooded murderer all across the U.S. After reading a few articles and watching people speaking about this topic on t.v, I believe that George Zimmerman should be charged for 2nd degree murder and hate crime.

Sources: CNN, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, ABC News, New York Times and Huffington Post.

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